Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Grasshopper on the Road

by Arnold Lobel


This book can be enjoyed on so many different levels. From my three-year-old thumbing through the pages to admire the funny pictures, to my five-year-old sounding out the words on her own, to my own appreciation for Lobel's witty humor and contemplative themes (it's much deeper than you would think an "I Can Read" book would be!) Grasshopper's journey down the road seems to be a metaphor for life, and all the bugs he runs into represent the day to day things that distract us from what's really important (from the narrow-minded beetles who can't accept any view besides their own, to the fireflies who zoom around so quickly that they don't even notice the flowers and leaves.) Anyway, more simply put it is very fun read for kids and adults!

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