Monday, February 9, 2009

Hot Air

by Marjorie Priceman


This book brings together two elements that I love: hilarious illustrations that tell their own story, and an actual historical event. This is the "mostly true story" of the first hot air balloon ride. The author starts off by verbally painting the setting of Versailles, France in 1783. She describes the people present on this historical day, but makes it clear that this book is not about them. She then cleverly goes into her own account of three barn yard animals' journey on the balloon ride (the part about the farm animals being the first passengers is actually true...Priceman just embellishes what happens on their ride!) A very entertaining, and educational read. Hot Air was a 2006 Caldecott Honor book.


  1. Great site. I was looking for a painting depicting the infamous balloon ride and found your blog instead. I'm now off to the library to find some of these books!

  2. I'm so glad you like it. Check back from time to time for new book suggestions, and I'd also love to hear yours!
